Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I don't think that there is any one who will argue with the fact that communication is something that we all could do a little better.  For me it is very frustration to be misunderstood, misquoted, misrepresented... you get the picture.  The reality is that when it comes to communication, humans by in large, have a very difficult time with something that seems so simple. If you don't believe me think about the times when you have thought one of the following phases:

I know what I meant, why don't you?
I understood exactly what I was saying!
Well it made sense to me!

One of the sad consequences of mans fall from grace was that for the rest of our human lives on earth we would struggle with communication.  In Gen. 2: 25 it says, "And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed."  Not ashamed!  What a reality!  Adam and Eve for at least a time truly had an existence where they could say anything and there were no negative consequences and the remnants of this existence remain to this day.  How often I have heard people, most of them single, say things like, "I just want someone I can say anything to and they still love me."  Adam and Eve knew this reality because there was no such thing as something that wasn't lovable.  They lived in the center of God's love and in the mist of that love was complete fulfillment.  The truth is that the person who wants someone to love them no matter what,  are actually looking for fulfillment. The absolute that hasn't changed since the beginning time is that fulfillment can only come from a right relationship with God. If you really want to be a better communicator, you need to go to the source and invest sometime at His feet.  It will be then that God will be able to mold you into the communicator you can be.  God is not bound by a lack of understanding.  Who better to consult when it comes to the words that flow off our tongues.